Larissa Mills

Larissa Mills

Mental Skills Educator & Consultant

Larissa Mills brings 25 years of diverse coaching, as well as an extensive athletic background in multisports, rowing, track and field, and volleyball, to the Won For All bench. Larissa creates solutions to empower coaches, athletes, and parents in the sports world.

Noticing some major gaps in young athletes’ psychological development since the “digital” age, Larissa founded The Mental Game Academy. A program that not only teaches athletes to fill those gaps by learning MENTAL SKILLS, Phone Habits, EQ, TEAM IQ, Feedback, Coping Mechanism, and Introspective Leadership. She teaches athletes’ to feel invincible, coachable, teachable, and employable. Larissa helps athletes and coaches reach their optimum potential as an athlete and a person.

Heeding some staggering statistics about the number of refs leaving, coaches quitting, and athlete participation in sports declining every year, Larissa knew something needed to be done. Just as smartphones and social media have been changing people’s behaviours and habits, she knew that by teaching mental skills would change the whole game.  Enter, a tool to help schools and families balance the use of tech to prevent phone, gaming, social media addiction and prevent mental health issues. This was a great start, but Larissa concluded something needed to be done on a broader scale.

Larissa is the Founder of “Digital and Mental Wellness HR Solutions” teaching these topics to corporate employees. These courses are helping to build people’s social skills, resilience, and self-awareness. Her passion for education is years in the fold, consulting in schools to improve behaviour for teachers and students to work in a healthy, supportive environment of learning. Her Masters in the Science of Education has encouraged her to always cultivate the healthy culture our children deserve to learn in.

Larissa has been a leader for women in sports locally and internationally. She is part of the WOCPSCN, and will be working with TEAM CANADA as their Mental Skills Educator and Program developer. She is still working with schools as an Educational Behavioural Consultant. She has been coaching teams for years and is raising her 3 kids to be good human beings. Her number one role is being a mother and meeting the needs of her children. Donating her programs to those athletes who receive less funding and bringing equality for all athletes who deserve a chance. All athletes are her children at The Mental Game Academy.

Larissa Mills also boasts a B.A. in Sociology and Psychology, Masters of Science of Education, Emotional Intelligence Mastery, Special Education, Behavioural Management, and Introspective Leadership Mastery.